Biosafety Operation Room
A biosafety laboratory, also referred to as biological laboratory, is a site for purpose to perform biological experiments. Schools generally possess biological laboratories,blood test laboratories in hospitals are also biosafety laboratories. Biological laboratories are usually for study and research purposes, which are classified into four classes according to research subjects.

Comparison Table for Microorganism Hazard Classes by Corresponding Biosafety Level, Operation and Equipment:

Hazard Biosafety Level Laboratory Category Laboratory Operation Safety Facilities
Class 1 Basic laboratory- Class 1 biosafety level Basic instructions and research GMT Not required; open laboratory bench
Class 2 Basic laboratory- Class 2 biosafety level Primary health service; diagnosis and research GMT plus protective clothing, biohazard symbol Open laboratory bench, and additional BSC is required to protect from possible aeroaol generated
Class 3 Protective laboratory- Class 3 biosafety level Specific diagnosis and research Special protective clothing, entry policy and unidirectional airflow in addition to Class 2 biosafety protective operation BSC and/or all other basic equipments required for laboratory works
Class 4 Highest protective laboratory- Class 4 biosafety level Hazardous pathogen research Airlock entrance, exit shower and special treatment for contaminated objects in addition to Class 3 biosafety protective operation Class III BSC or class II BSC along with positive pressure clothing, double-door high pressure sterilizer (across the wall body) and filtered air

Note: BSC-Biological Safety Cabinet; GMT-Good Microbiological Techniques

Classification for BSC
Surface Velocity(m/s) Airflow to Room Circulation Ratio Exhaust Air Extraction System
CLASS I 0.36 0 100 Closed connection to exhaust conduit
CLASS II A1 0.38-0.5 70 30 Room exhaust or connected to exhaust system
CLASS II A2 0.5 30 30 Room exhaust or connected to exhaust system
CLASS II B1 0.5 0 70 Closed connection to exhaust conduit
CLASS II B2 0.5 0 100 Closed connection to exhaust conduit
CLASS Ⅲ NA 0 100 Closed connection to exhaust conduit
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